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How to increase factory EBITDA by 5 to 8% using OEE and energy monitoring

Skriven av Mikael Persson | May 26, 2023 11:38:59 AM

Efficiency and waste reduction are keys to success in the competitive manufacturing landscape. This is where the power of using a system for improving Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) combined with energy monitoring comes into play.

These tools can substantially increase your EBITDA – often by 5 to 8% with just a 10% increase in OEE. 

Boosting efficiency and profitability using an OEE system

An OEE system equips your teams with the tools to run your factory more predictably, profitably, and sustainably. It delivers real-time insights and triggers timely actions, ensuring your factory operations are optimised and effective.

An OEE system helps cut production costs, gain real-time control, and use fewer resources per unit produced. It identifies losses in real-time, clearly understanding data from machines and operators.

This enables you to gain insights into production losses with visualised facts, simplifying the process of identifying areas for improvement and implementing changes effectively.

Reducing energy consumption and CO2e with OEE and energy monitoring

When paired with energy monitoring capabilities, an OEE system can offer unique insights required to measure and lower energy use and CO2e emissions for every unit manufactured. This is pivotal in identifying potential improvements based on energy use and CO2e emission. 

Focusing on taking improvement actions based on energy efficiency can significantly reduce your environmental footprint and lead to cost savings.

Also, suppose you can use low-cost, easy, industrial-grade IoT 4G devices that securely connect to your machinery in minutes to your OEE system without needing local IT support or approvals.

This will give you a head-start with quick wins – harvesting low-hanging productivity fruits.

The bottom-line impact

The benefits of implementing an OEE system, energy monitoring, and guided decision-making based on factory events are substantial. A 10% increase in OEE often results in an EBITDA effect between 5 and 8%.

This significant enhancement to your bottom line demonstrates the proven financial impact of investing in efficiency and sustainability.

In conclusion, an OEE system combined with energy monitoring is a potent tool for any factory aiming to boost profitability and sustainability.

Remember, a factory that uses its production resources efficiently will produce at lower unit costs – both economically and sustainably.

Did we mention you can try this without risk in your factory?

Take the opportunity to get a free demo and see for yourself – use the link below to choose a time for a web meeting with one of our experts.