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RS Production is going web-based

on May 31, 2024 10:52:24 AM
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We’re thrilled that RS Production is moving to a web-based platform. This transformation brings a host of benefits:

Seamless access

Access RS Production easily through any web browser, eliminating the need for specific software installations.

Enhanced Dashboards and Reports

Experience improved dashboards, reports, and analyses to provide deeper insights and better data visualisation.

Optimised Support for Daily Management

The web-based platform offers enhanced support for daily management activities and meetings, making real-time tracking and managing tasks easier.

Supporting your Financial and Sustainability Goals

Stronger integration with financial and sustainability goals ensures that your operations align with broader business objectives, enhancing overall efficiency and sustainability.

Smooth transition

We are committed to ensuring a smooth transition for all users, especially operators. Familiar tools and workflows will remain intact, minimising disruption and maintaining productivity.

Ongoing Updates

We are in the early stages of this transition and will continue to provide updates on our progress.

Stay tuned for more information on how this change will benefit you as customers and users.

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