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Upgraded AI-powered RS IoT lets you connect five machines in 30 minutes

Skriven av Mikael Persson | Nov 29, 2023 2:46:03 PM


At RS Production Live 2023, we unveiled an innovative AI-driven solution, transforming how machines connect for production monitoring.

Our RS IoT devices feature our new, advanced AI engine, which autonomously detects real-time machine cycles using a vibration sensor. This eliminates the need for manual calibration and an electrician's assistance to connect 24V signals.

Connect five machines in 30 minutes

Installation is straightforward: place the box in the machine cabinet. It automatically links to the cloud service via mobile data, removing the need for IT support to integrate with your local network.

Discover how you can use the RS IoT and its seamless machine connection process, independent of electricians or IT

Try it out. We offer a 45-day, no-cost trial with hardware and measurement points. Book your free meeting with one of the experts here.

Book a meeting to start the free trial