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The data driven production blog from Good Solutions

New RS Production Energy can reduce factories' energy consumption 10% or more

RS Production® Energy is an IoT cloud-based service that gives manufacturing companies access to decision-making data to increase the factory's utilisation rate and reduce energy consumption and CO2e per unit produced.

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Category: News

Good Solutions establish Skellefteå office after continued strong growth

"We see continued strong growth from factories that want to become more profitable, more sustainable and have access to a leading, flexible OEE system with support in Swedish. Therefore, we are now opening our second office outside Gothenburg to get closer to our customers and the market in northern Sweden by establishing an office in Skellefteå with great competence in both sales and delivery," says Mikael Persson, co-founder and CEO.

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Category: News

Product news in RS Production OEE and ACT

"A new RS Production OEE and ACT update is now available, including important maintenance and security updates and several improvements. The release is named Fluorine" says Good Solutions CTO and co-founder Mattias Ahlenius.

Please use this link to learn more about how version updates work, https://docs.goodsolutions.se/vupn/.

RS Production Fluorine update includes:

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Category: News

Happy holidays and best wishes for 2023!

First of all, I want to say thank you!

Thank you to our customers, those who follow what we do and, of course, our incredible team of dedicated and skilful colleagues!

2022 has been a great year in many aspects and, as we all know, very challenging in many other ways.

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Category: News

New RS Production Energy can reduce factories' energy consumption 10% or more

Today Good Solutions launches RS Production® Energy, an IoT cloud-based service that gives manufacturing companies access to decision-making data to increase the factory's utilisation rate and reduce energy consumption and CO2e per unit produced.

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Category: News

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