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The data driven production blog from Good Solutions

Passa på att prova Boards on Fire® fritt i 60-dagar

Boards on Fire ger dig interaktiva, spårbara och effektiva möten med digitala tavlor för daglig styrning, pulsmöten, förbättringsarbete, 5S, PDCA och mycket mer.

Dela uppdaterad information med alla medarbetare i realtid. På vilken enhet som helst. Visualiserar mål, nyckeltal, avvikelser och förbättringsarbete med full spårbarhet.

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Category: News

Good Solutions introduce new pulse board offering with Boards on Fire

“Together we’ve developed a fully integrated solution enabling interactive and engaging pulse meetings. This solution makes sure you and your team can easily understand targets, key performance indicators, deviations and execute improvement work with automatic traceability. The solution has been developed together with Boards on Fire. Easily convert losses and waste identified with RS Production into sustainable and profitable factory improvements,” says Mikael Persson, CEO of Good Solutions

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Category: News

We need four(!) new colleagues!

If you or someone you know is interested in helping factories reduce their environmental footprint while improving profitability, we can offer four exciting opportunities!

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Category: News

Our new webinar series premiere: A data-driven day in your factory

In October, we premier our brand-new webinar series: A data-driven day in your factory.

The Webinar shows how you and your factory teams can make data-driven decisions throughout the day using concrete examples such as during the morning meeting, in improvement work, during shift handovers, and on a strategic level.

Look out for invitations in your email, or keep up to date on available dates and times on https://goodsolutions.se/services/#webinar.

We're running the Webinar in both Swedish and English throughout this fall.

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Category: News

We warmly welcome our two new developer teammates Ludwig and Alex

From left to right: Ludwig Jareblad, Mattias Ahlenius, and Alex Laurila.

"We are thrilled to welcome two new great persons to our development team. This addition means that we're stepping up our product development investments to improve further our market-leading software designed to make factories more sustainable and profitable," says co-founder and CTO Mattias Ahlenius.

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Category: News